Welcome to THE LEGEND CARLI GROUP blog section of the website. I am really excited about this section of the website and I will be using this to post thoughts on a wide variety of topics that may be industry related but may also include many of the same things that I write on my facebook page regarding thoughts about life in general. For the most part, since this is a business website, I will do my best to refrain from politics as I may move my political commentary to a separate format.
For the purposes of having something to share in my initial website launch, I would like to share that I am super excited about the launch of THE LEGEND CARLI GROUP! I have enjoyed a wonderful and highly successful career (42+years) in the Industrial Distribution Business. What makes my career so highly successful is that over those years and now into the future, I have had the wonderful privilege to work with so many outstanding individuals that even at a young age, I made a commitment to learn from. The primary take away from all that experience is that I was able to take bits and pieces from every single one of the hundreds of thousands of those whom I interacted with. What is amazing is that every single person you meet can offer you something to learn about them or about life.
So rather than just step away and retire into a golf oblivion at the beach here in Encinitas, I have decided to keep going, bring value, and have fun. In other words, exactly what I have been doing the past 42 years except that now I am going to use technology and communications to write about my experiences. Hopefully, you will find them either amusing, entertaining, or even stupid as you will want to see what I come up with next that fits one of those categories.